
Newsletter #1 – All we have is each other

We are trying to provide solidarity in separation. However, this means that news and ideas of Co-operation Birmingham are difficult to communicate to others due to social distancing measures. We do have the website, podcast and social media but we know this isn’t reaching all the people we are providing food aid for. Hopefully this […]


Solidarity Kitchen Health and Safety Protocols

Abridged podcast version of this post Which guidance to follow? And why are there conflicting approaches? The government’s guidelines for dealing with Covid-19 are not in line with other countries. Although there is guidance from the WHO (World Health Organisation), each individual country’s healthcare system is responsible for and has the capacity to respond to […]


An update from the solidarity kitchen fundraiser

Hello from Co-operation Birmingham crew – we wanted to write to thank everyone who has donated to our fundraiser so far and to share updates on our current situation, plans and how to get involved. At the time of writing we have raised over £3700 in just under five days. This is an incredible achievement and […]


Solidarity in Separation We Need to be Ready

Social Distancing may soon become unavoidable, even if a consensus is yet to emerge. But in this critical time we mustn’t be divided. We need to be ready. Mutual aid lays the foundation for Social Distancing, and gives us the power to ensure our own safety and get through this with the minimum human cost. […]